Room 13 LA…
…is a student/adult managed & financed, self-sustaining, multi-media
studio. We are part of Room 13
International which includes over 90 studios around the world.
Who We Are:
We are a student and professional artist managed,
self-financed, sustainable, multi-media studio at a public school. It is part of Room 13 International which
includes over 90 studios around the world.
Our goal is to help our 230 student artists (grades 6 through 12)
improve their skills as artists, entrepreneurs, and 21st century creative
thinkers. We do this through working as
a studio to create commissions for profit and non-profit organizations, design
merchandise we sell, run workshops, organize exhibitions, and participate in a
wide array of art events. By doing this
students that would have historically had very little opportunity in the
creative arts become a vital part of LA's art and creative scene. We are also the only art program at our
school because of budget we also find ways to include the student
body of 2,100 through collaborations and events. Our school is an LAUSD, Title 1 school (low
income), that serves working poor in South Central - primarily Hispanic and
African-American children.
Exhibitions, Events, Fundraisers, Community Involvement:
Earned a commission to
create Carbon Neutral Sculptures as Prizes – the top 5 are now part of
international corporate collections
Won the AT&T award at
the Pasadena Chalk Festival (the world’s biggest chalk festival)
Donated poster designs as
part of a benefit gallery show on behalf of UNICEF’s TAP project (part of
raising millions to provide clean water to Africa )
Artworks shown at the
Hearts & Minds Exhibition at the Art Director’s Club of New York
Hosted Foshay Family Art
Had an internal contest to
design t-shirts and tote bags – 7 winning designs made – sold at school,
Farmer’s Markets and to businesses
Hosted Foshay Family Art
Hosted TBWA/Chiat/Day
Family Art Day
Ran pre-show festivities
for GUSH-E.D at the Ford Ampitheater – event photography, face-painting,
balloon art, art making
Created an exhibition and
recycled art making booth at the Hollywood
Farmer’s Market in honor of Earth Day.
Pasadena Chalk Festival,
our 2nd year in a row, created two murals this year
Another Hollywood
Farmer’s Market booth - art making, photography, food sales, and networking to
finance the studio
Studio Exhibition at the
Brewery Art Walk, Downtown, LA - sold paintings, t-shirts, tote bags, stickers
and jewelry
Downtown Art Walk – booth
Anti-Mall – booth sales
410Boyd Community
fundraiser – booth sales
Stories Exhibition and
Fundraiser – Only Room 13 LA@Foshay the month of December and part of January
Joint Room 13 exhibition
at the Judson
Silverlake Farmer’s Market
easter art making for kids
Featured in the Doo Dah
Featured at MOCA’s Big
Family Art Day
Pasadena Chalk Festival,
our 3rd year in a row, creating two murals again
Philip Lumbang’s protest
poster sale raises $1,000 for Room 13’s Foshay studio
Art featured exhibitors at
BRANDED ART show in Culver City
TBWA/Chiat/Day Craft Fair
– booth sales
Created and ran “The Gift
of Art”, a month long exhibition, and series of workshops, at The Hold Up
Gallery in Little Tokyo ,
with some of LA’s best professional artists and MOCA
Time Art Explosion at
Deitch Arts with the Bagavagabonds – exhibition, live event and fundraiser
TBWA\Chiat\Day - No Coffee
Fundraiser Design Competition
Downtown Brewery Art
Colony – Art Walk Exhibition
USC Young Writer’s
Conference – Literature For Life Exhibition
UCLA Social Services in
the Latino/a Community Conference – Exhibition and Fundraiser
MOCA Big Family Day –
Booth (exhibition and art making)
Pasadena Chalk Festival
California Art Explosion at Deitch Arts with the Bagavagabonds – exhibition, live event
and fundraiser
CREATIVE LA – Exhibition and fundraiser at Bergamot Station
TBWA\Chiat\Day\Culture LA
Brewery Art Walk October,
TBWA\Chiat\Day Holiday
Craft Fair November, 2011
Winter Flight Show and Exhibition December, 2011, with our sister aerial arts
performance program - The Foshay Flyers
Bagavagabonds Art Bang
Exhibition and Sale January, 2012
UCLA 10th Annual Social
Services in the Latino/a Community Conference April, 2012
SCREENED Silk Screen
Party, May, 2012
Visited FILM ROMAN, the
production center of THE SIMPSONS
planning collaboration with Edwin Aguilar, from The Simpson’s, to
create an animated short
826LA writing and design
book project
Stop motion workshop and
creations with Josh Kurtz (of NPR)
Partnership USC’s Annenberg School for Communication from 2009 to
today, mentors from USC work on journalism and photo projects with us
Chor Boogie and Evolve
painted two of Room 13’s doors with the us
Artist/Community Activist
Ernesto Yerena – Guest workshop
Created two murals for the
Art Miles Mural Project to create a pyramid of murals in Egypt
While she was Artist-in-Residence
Timoi was one of the select twenty muralists for The Wall Project, an
international art project celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the
Berlin wall by painting parts of the fallen wall here in Los Angeles
Room 13 Foshay, L.A. intern – Charlotte
Xesenia Maurice –
assistant Manager and in charge of developing our portfolio
Celia Castellanos, Wharton
graduate, is our management consultant
Guest artist Philip
Lumbang’s demonstration - painting a commission piece, and painted his famous
bear on one of the studio’s doors.
Linocut workshop at Self
Help Graphics
Visited the Geffen and
MOCA for Visual Thinking Strategy practice
Field trip and
collaboration with ABC/Disney’s top photographer - Robert Damico
Make Something poster
design – 5 environmental posters in 8 hours over two days, made into silk
screens. Subsequently used at events as
posters, and silk screening t-shirts and
tote bags
Time Art Explosion at Deitch Arts with the Bagavagabonds – exhibition, live event and
TBWA\Chiat\Day - No Coffee
Fundraiser Design Competition
California Art Explosion at Deitch Arts with the Bagavagabonds – exhibition, live event
and fundraiser
Took photographs for
Hollygroom magazine in conjuction with NMPRGlobal PR
Audio storytelling project
with USCs Annenberg School @
Winter Flight Show and Exhibition December, 2011, with our sister aerial arts
performance program - The Foshay Flyers
Bagavagabonds Art Bang
Exhibition and Sale January, 2012
826LA - Room 13 LA Artists
Statements and Social Media Project
Won the AT&T award at
the Pasadena Chalk Festival (the world’s biggest chalk festival)
Runner-Up USA Networks
Characters Photo Competition: Xesenia Maurice
Finalist Congressional Art
Competition: Rogelio Santana
Finalist in Secret
Millionaires Club Grow Your Own Business Contest: Sarady Merghani
Feature article in
California Homes
Feature article in Creativity
Univision story on Judson
show, 3-19-10
ABC 7, 6-15-10
KCLS, 6-15-10
La Opinion 6-20-10
LA Times 6-21-10
Daily News 6-21-10
KABC 12-14-11 on our sister aerial arts program
Bagavagabonds Art
FOCUSfish Aerial
Performing Arts (cirque du soleil style nonprofit teaching kids throughout
the Southland, including at Foshay & USC)
Neighborhood Academic
Initiative (NAI)
USC School of Cinematic
USC Roski School of Fine
Arts: Design Program
Kathia Dungplata
Teacher-in-Residence: John
Also view our Facebook Page: Room 13 Los Angeles