In addition to the artists in Room 13, there are several students in each class that are journalists and work to properly represent the program to those who are unfamiliar with the composition of a Room 13.
The journalists interview their classmates and report on the progress of the class. In the nature of Room 13, the students decide what they are interested in and the teacher finds an expert in the field to help facilitate learning--feeding their curiousity and allowing intellectual growth.
Seventh graders Itzel Salas explains her day's work in Room 13:
For more reports from Room 13 visit our page for classroom broadcasts.
"Room 13"
An Essay by Jorge Guzman
If you are in America, you can find Room 13. For me, Room 13 is a program where young students/artists are able to express themselves by their art. When I walk in my school on James Foshay Learning Center by room F156, I could see Room 13's door, with a cool, colorful, and expressive painting made by a famous artist. When I walk inside the room, I see all the cool paintings in the wall made by young artists and me. You could also smell the nacho cheese while it is being heated [for the after school sale]. You could also see the young artist doing their new piece of art.
Foshay is made up of students from all over the world. Some students come from all over the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and even students from China, Korea, and Japan. In Foshay, a lot of people do not get along with each other. Sometimes they get from pushing each other to getting into fights. When students that come all over the world get to go to Room 13, everything changes. There, everyone gets along with each other. There everyone shares their ideas with everyone by their art--expressing their feelings and thoughts.
One example of this happened between Maria Padilla, Jose Perdomo, and me, Jorge Guzman. they all come from different places. Maria, a nice, intelligent, and good looking girl comes from Mexico. Jose, a very funny guy, comes from El Salvador. Finally me, a person who likes math, who was born in Los Angels, but rase in Mexico. All of us came to be good friends. Everyone in Room 13 gets along. Everyone shares their ideas and thoughts and make a differences with all the others students from the school.