Martha Cabrera's Photography!!(:
I personally like this photograph because to me it seems like the water that is spilled on the floor has the shape of Africa. Also, I think it is really funny. To me its really funny because it looks like if i had an accident. Haha.
To me this picture says that littering is a problem at schools. After kids finish eating lunch they do not throw their trash in the garbage can. As you can see all the trash is on the floor and the trash can is right beside it. I titled this image "torture" because maintenance engineers may think of this as torture because they are the ones who have to clean it up.
To me this photograph looks like a huge cloud falling out of the sky. I see it as if the colored parts is pollution. To me this means that we already have many dark clouds to the pollution we are creating and also all the paper we waste daily.
I took this picture while I was in an empty lunch area. There was three fountains and I focused on one of them, the others are not visible due the backgound of the picture being blurry. The background looks like it can be just about anything, which is a reason why I really like this picture. Another reason why I really like this image is because you can see the detail of the fountain and as part of a detail you can even see a crack thats inside of it.
I took this picture in a room next to Room 13 where there is a sink to wash the palettes and brushes. I really like the lighting and the fact that after everyone finishes painting they leave the dirty brushes and palettes scattered in the sink so someone can wash them. It is a favorite because it shows the color other people used to paint and the cups they used for water and also the different kinds of brushes they used.
The image above was taken when Francisca Pascual (right) was telling a story to Timoi(left,Artist in Residence) the story was about a palm tree getting pulled out by a big crane. Which would explain why her arms are extended to the sides. The tape on Francisca's sweater says "Hello My Name Is Jimmy". I took this picture because her hand gestures look very interesting to me.